Students and staff at Republic Schools had fun creating projects for the “I Love Our School” campaign last month. Along with hearts for February’s Valentine’s Day celebrations, each classroom chose an activity or project to celebrate its love for school.
The campaign is part of the school’s “Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports” program, a set of ideas and tools schools use to improve the behavior of students. PBIS is a state initiative adopted by RSD last year to support a positive climate and culture.
Some of the “I Love Our School” activities included the “Red Hot Attendance Award” for any middle or high school student with zero absences in February; “Tackle Tardies”—the student with the largest decrease in tardies received a bag of candy; “Fabulous Fridays”—fourth grade music classes played in the hallway by the music room Friday mornings during breakfast; a “100 Reasons We Love Our School” banner for the lunchroom; poster design, construction and display; a staff appreciation project recognizing teachers who are retiring; “Garbage Awareness”—keeping our campus free of trash; reading with younger students; and “SUCCESSFORALL” wristbands for students who showed good citizenship.
Principal Carolann Gutierrez said she would like the “I Love Our School” project to become annual February event.